Sunday, May 15, 2016

Interview with Sr. Angela Kapitingana

Sr. Angela Kapitingana

Sr. Angela is from Tanzania and at present she is in Bobo-Dioulasso in Burkina Faso. She is a member of the novitiate formation team.

Jane Francis Namaganda: What is your best experience when you reflect back upon your entire life with the MSOLA?

Angela: I treasured my experience lived during the 30 day retreat where I encountered a loving Father who welcomed me as a beloved sinner. This experience was a key guide in the discernment of God’s will in my life. This foundational experience, has been for me a source of courage and trust in my missionary life, even when facing challenges. I am convinced that God cannot ask me to live the impossible, things beyond my capacity.

This led me always to have a principle which says: “God disturb me whenever I have done very little for you”

Jane Francis: What made it an exciting experience?

Angela: The conviction that I am a loved sinner revealed to me that I am His beloved and so I could risk being myself. Slowly I discovered  His present in my life through life experiences and through the many people He put on my way.

Jane Francis: Who was involved?

Angela: God, my sisters and the people He send me to live and work with.

Jane Francis: How did you feel?

Angela: At the beginning very uncertain; later on I felt satisfied, confirmed and affirmed. This did not omit afterwards, moments in my life where I was discouraged and other times joyful. I still feel that God is ever faithful and God cannot be out done in His generous love. This is really reassuring in living my faith as MSOLA.

Jane Francis: What did you do as a result of the experience?

Angela: I felt energized to share God’s love with others and to live God’s presence in my life. My “Yes” and my zeal were determined by this experience. I could not keep it for myself, I had to share it with others.

Jane Francis: What is the thing that you value most about MSOLA?

Angela: Our simplicity and our spirituality which is very rich in all the aspects. We dare to risk, especially in starting new things deeply rooted in our charism. I respect and value very much the heritage left by Mother Marie Salome. We are blessed with the faith and wisdom of this woman. She has shown us the way for DISCERNMENT (Personally and in community)

Jane Francis: When did you feel best being a MSOLA?

Angela: I remember when I was in Kasongo, and we lack the necessary instruments to work with in the maternity. Thanks to the formation I have received from my sisters
other means where invented to save life. As MSOLA we are really specialists in using even rough paper to create something new. There is nothing of no use for us, and so it was even to invent things to save lives.

I was very proud of my MSOLA identity in deeds and in following our Founder’s Spirit:  “Risk all to be human and dignify others by what you are and have, for all is given to us for the service of others and  for God’s glory”. To me this is being “all to all in all things, thus finding God in all thing and all thing in God”.

Jane Francis: What are the things you value about yourself’

Angela: My relationship with Christ. My uniqueness as beloved daughter of God. Being a courageous woman

Jane Francis: What are the core values of MSOLA?

Angela: Our faith; the attachment and intimate relationship we have with Christ, which lead us to live our charism. We are rooted in Christ.

Jane Francis: What are the values that give life to the Congregation?

Angela: It is a bit what I have just mentioned. Faith. That is our attachment to Christ and His mission, entrusted to us in a specific charism. The attitude of simplicity and living the evangelical vows as mean chosen to be life-giving instruments.

Jane Francis: Something that, if it did not exist, would make MSOLA totally different than it currently is?

Angela: Laxity of our relationship with God. Ignoring our internationality and inter-culturality treasures.

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